Your Path to Wellness
At Sage Massage & Wellness, I offer a natural and holistic approach to wellness with medical massage in the Tempe area. The power of healing through healthy alternatives can complement Western medicine for a more fulfilling, pain-free life. I'm committed to helping you achieve optimal health through massage therapy plans and treatments that are customized for each individual client. In addition to Swedish and therapeutic massage, I specialize in medical massage for oncology, geriatric, and hospice patients, as well as lymphatic drainage, myofascial release, and sports/injury recovery.
We look forward to serving you with the care and attention your well-being deserves.
Be sure to check out my MONTHLY SPECIALS.

Medical Massage
A Holistic Approach to Restore and Rejuvenate

Myofascial Release Massage
Lymphatic Drainage
Geriatric Massage
Acupressure Massage
Oncology Massage
Natural Healing
And More...

For more information about Sage Massage & Wellness – our program, medical massage, staff and more, don’t hesitate to contact us!